Vol. 266 | 09.01.2015
Tortured Fall

Tortured Fall - The Best Radio You Have Never Heard - Vol. 266
Your lunch money for a podcast . . .
1. School (live) - Supertramp Buy From iTunes*
2. Teacher (alt) - Jethro Tull Buy From iTunes
3. Piss Aaron (live) - Todd Rundgren Buy From iTunes
4. Dear Jimi (live) - Terence Blanchard
5. Gloria - The Jimi Hendrix Experience Buy From iTunes
6. Third Stone From The Sun (live) - Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble Buy From iTunes*
7. Inca Roads (live) Zappa Plays Zappa Buy From iTunes*
8. The Torture Never Stops (live) - Frank Zappa w/ Adrian Belew Buy From iTunes*
9. 1984 / Rebel Rebel / Mooonage Daydream (live) - David Bowie
10. Here, There and Everywhere - David and Joe Gilmour
The Best Radio You Have Never Heard
Your musical school bully since 2004 . . .
Accept No Substitute
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*Podcast version not available at iTunes; link will take you to an alternate version of the track
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1 Comment
bernard wolfe says:
what i don't like about the information you provide, your links to the music on the playlists often connect to versions of the songs that ARE NOT the ones present in the broadcast. Sometimes the links take you to album selections by the featured artist that DO NOT include the song you've included. Why is that? Why can you not simple attribute the source of the recording, no matter what its location or origin? Not doing so, or being either non-informative or somewhat cryptic about it, makes for a frustrating experience for the listen.
Perry responds:
If you look at the playlist and the links to iTunes, you will most always notice an asterisk. If look to the bottom where you would generally find an asterisk key, it clearly states:
" *Podcast version not available at iTunes; link will take you to an alternate version of the track"
And the link ALWAYS takes you to some sort of version of the song played. Never some random record. If not, there is no link at all. The links are for listener convenience and for me to make a penny of two to go towards the show expenses
Sorry if the rest frustrates you but all material is just not available on iTunes. Nothing more. Nothing less. And putting up multiple links would be a hot mess. Agreed?
I do usually always provide artist, date, city and venue on live tracks that you would not find in the iTunes Store, which I hope is some solace.
Sorry if that causes you frustration, but at least I hope you are enjoying the tracks you probably otherwise would not have heard and are telling your friends about BRYHNH . . .
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