Vol. 352 | 12.01.2018
A Bigger Boat

A Bigger Boat - The Best Radio You Have Never Heard - Vol. 352
And a bigger amp to go with it . . .
1. No More, No More, / Same Old Song and Dance (live) - Aerosmith
2. Stop Dragging My Heart Around - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
3. I Don't Know You All - The Thin Cherries Buy From iTunes
4. An End Has A Start - Editors Buy From iTunes
5. Munich (live acoustic) - Corrine Bailey Rae
6. Mayor Of Simpleton (live acoustic) - XTC
7. Martha My Dear (early) - The Beatles Buy From iTunes
8. I'm In The Mood (live acoustic) - Buddy Guy Buy From iTunes*
9. Angel (early) - Jimi Hendrix
10. Third Stone From The Sun (live) - Govt. Mule
11. Intro / Sweet Jane (live) - Lou Reed
12. School Days (live) - Stanley Clarke w/ Larry Coryell Buy From iTunes*
13. Just A Boy Away From Home - Mark Knopfler Buy From iTunes
The Best Radio You Have Never Heard
Demanded by animals in arks everywhere . . .
Accept No Substitute
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*Podcast version not available at iTunes; link will take you to an alternate version of the track
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1 Comment
brian says:
cleaning up after the passengers might be easier if these songs are on
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