Vol. 355 | 01.15.2019
The Return Of The Old Guy - Rick's Picks 2018

And so it is says, by those who sayeth such things, that besides it being colder than a frozen carp on grandma's porch in the middle of January, we must look back at what was.
Or in this particular case, we must listen to what was. And that was, based on where you've landed is of course, the 2018 year in review of The Best Radio You Have Never Heard.
And so it is also said, such task, with a minor hiatus while Rick was away for a year "writing his (ahem) book" last year, that since the early days of BRYHNH over a decade ago, that task has been laid in the hands of BRYHNH producer Rick From New York. And somehow each year Rick extracts the best of the best. I could go on further about bridges, slices, cannoli and meatballs, but best I let Rick do the talking and spinning from here on in.
We now join Rick in progress . . .
The Return of the Old Guy
I'm back . .
Just like that colonoscopy you've been putting off, and I got a whole new jam!
Frankly, 2017 was the shits for me. I guarantee you don't want to hear about it, and as Danny Whitten said, "I Don't Want to Talk About It". Just assume it's an epic Rock and Roll Story and, after many thanks to the BRYHNH Producers for admirably standing in last year, we are ready to move on. Happy 2019 everyone!
Now let's get on it!
Rick from New York
The Return Of The Old Guy - Rick's Picks 2018
Back in the saddle again . . .
1. Come On to Me (live) - Paul McCartney Buy From iTunes
2. Love Me Like a Man (live) - Bonnie Raitt Buy From iTunes*
3. I Don't Trust Nobody (live) - Willie Dixon Buy From iTunes*
4. I'm in the Mood (live solo acoustic) - Buddy Guy Buy From iTunes*
5. Jealous Guy (early) - John Lennon Buy From iTunes
6. Everybody's Coming to My House - David Byrne Buy From iTunes
7. Still Ill / Getting Away With It (live)- Johnny Marr
8. Munich (live) - The Editors Buy From iTunes*
9. Boys Don't Cry (live unplugged) - The Cure Buy From iTunes*
10. Dead Man's Party (alt) - Oingo Boingo Buy From iTunes*
11. You Don't Know How it Feels / Statesboro Blues (live) - Tedeschi Trucks Band
12. Dixie Chicken (live) - Lowell George Buy From iTunes*
13. Blue Sky (live) - The Allman Brothers Band Buy From iTunes*
14. Stop Draggin' My Heart Around (early) -Tom Petty
15. Tangled Up in Blue (early) - Bob Dylan Buy From iTunes
16. Born in the USA (solo acoustic) - Bruce Springsteen Buy From iTunes
17. Gimme Shelter (live in-ear mix) - The Rolling Stones
The Best Radio You Have Never Heard
The Piss Alley of music.
Accept No Substitute
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*Podcast version not available at iTunes; link will take you to an alternate version of the track
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